Welcome to the COLE FAMILY BLOG

Welcome to the COLE FAMILY BLOG
Kigh Cole

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Kigh's Favorite Commercial

Kigh is not a huge fan of TV.  In fact sometimes I wonder if he even knows it's there, but whenever this commercial comes on he freaks out! He loves it! He will start clapping, laughing, and dancing.  I hope it's the music he enjoys.....

A fan of Mountain Dew???

Kigh is getting into everything now.  I caught him in the Mountain Dew box I was getting ready to take to the trash.  This made me laugh I had to take a picture.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Super Kigh

Here is my Super Cute Kigh. We got this cape from Kigh's cousin Dallon and we had to take some pictures. Kigh was so mad at me by the time we were done, that is whey he isn't smiling in the last one. I hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Goofy Pictures

Here are some funny pictures we took of the kids with our silly Mac Camera. If you can't tell who they are the first one is Alion, then Dallon, then Brad, then Sierra and finally Jordan.

Happy Easter!

Here is Kigh with his Easter Basket. He had so much fun digging into this basket. His favorite part was the Easter grass. I hope you all had a nice Easter.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

January Birthday's

We had two family birthday parties to attend in January! Our nephew Harrison turned four and celebrated with a Star Wars Party. We had a great time hanging out at the Holdbrook's house eating great food and enjoying everyone's company.
Later in the month we celebrated our niece Analee's 5th birthday. We went to Jungle Jim's and watched the kids run wild. It was a blast! I also put my baking/decorating skills (which are not that great) to the test and made Analee a barbie cake. She loved it and that is all that counts.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Cole Family Update

Last week we went to Kigh's 6 month well visit with Dr. Kasteler and he weighed in at 20lbs! He is such a big boy! He now 28 1/2 inches long (I wonder why he is so tall...Thanks Daddy!) He is getting ready to scoot (he is so close) and he is sitting up very well. I can't believe how much he has learned in the last six months. I love this little boy so much. I cherish every moment I have with him!

I only have two more weeks of work left and then I get to be a stay at home mommy!!! Well sort of...I am going to help my cute mom-in-law Karen with her new theatre school in Tooele. It should be a lot of fun!

Brian started his new job last week at the U of U Hospital! So far he really likes it. I will keep you posted on this.